Monday, January 6, 2020

The Defense Of China During World War II - 1173 Words

In 1939 World War 2 kicked off with a bang as Hitler took the German army and invaded Poland from the west. Hitler had taken control of the Polish capital in under a month with the Soviets invading on the opposite front seventeen days after the invasion began. Hitler quickly began moving through Europe taking more and more land with each passing month and by the end of 1940 most of Europe was under his control. At this point the United States had not entered the war and had declared a state of neutrality, although the lend lease act was in affect which allowed the United States to provide money and supplies to allies. Before the U.S. had entered the war the decision was made to support china in defending themselves from Japan. As funds began to flow from the U.S. to china the Government justified the decision by stating that the defense of china was essential to the defense of the United States. When Japan began moving into southern china in the summer of 1941 the allies put an oil embargo on Japan, this cut off 90% of the country’s oil supplies. Japan had by this time cut off the land supply route to china forcing all new supplies to be flown over the Himalaya Mountains. The United States finally entered the war on Dec 7, 1941 when the Japanese attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. That same day congress declared war on Japan which then soon after lead to Germany declaring war on the United States. On the same day the Japanese also launched attacks onShow MoreRelatedJapan s Influence On Its Unique Culture1595 Words   |  7 PagesFrom Isolation to Open Borders In the far-east, off the coast of the Asian continent lies an island nation, originally shrouded in mystery from the rest of the known world. From a remote and isolated empire to a United States ally, Japan has successfully made its existence known to the international community. 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