Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to Manage and ID Southern Waxmyrtle

Southern waxmyrtle has multiple, twisted trunks with smooth, light gray bark. Wax myrtle is aromatic with olive green leaves and clusters of grey-blue, waxy berries on female plants which attract wildlife. Waxmyrtle is a popular landscape plant, ideal for use as a small tree if the lower limbs are removed to display its form. Waxmyrtle can stand impossible soil conditions, is rapid-growing and a striking evergreen. Without pruning, it will grow as wide as it is tall, usually 10 to 20. Specifics Scientific name: Myrica ceriferaPronunciation: MEER-ih-kuh ser-IF-er-uhCommon name(s): Southern Waxmyrtle, Southern BayberryFamily: MyricaceaeOrigin: native to North AmericaUSDA hardiness zones: 7b through 11Origin: native to North AmericaUses: Bonsai; container or above-ground planter; hedge; large parking lot islands Cultivars The cultivar Pumila is a dwarf form, less than three feet high. Myrica pensylvanica, Northern Bayberry, is a more cold-hardy species and the source of wax for bayberry candles. Propagation is by seeds, which germinate easily and rapidly, tip cuttings, division of the stolons or transplanting wild plants. Pruning Waxmyrtle is a very forgiving tree when pruned. Dr. Michael Dirr says in his book  Trees and Shrubs  that the tree withstands the endless pruning required to keep it in check. Wax myrtle will need pruning to keep it specimen beautiful. Removing excess shoot growth two times each year eliminates the tall, lanky branches and reduces the tendency for branches to droop. Some landscape managers hedge the crown into a multi-stemmed, dome-shaped topiary. Description Height: 15 to 25 feetSpread: 20 to 25 feetCrown uniformity: Irregular outline or silhouetteCrown shape: Round; vase shapeCrown density: ModerateGrowth rate: Fast Trunk and Branches Trunk/bark/branches: Bark is thin and easily damaged from mechanical impact; limbs droop as the tree grows, and may require pruning; routinely grown with, or trainable to be grown with, multiple trunks; showy trunkPruning requirement: Requires pruning to develop a strong structureBreakage: Susceptible to breakage either at the crotch due to poor collar formation, or the wood itself is weak and tends to breakCurrent year twig color: Brown; grayCurrent year twig thickness: Thin Foliage Leaf arrangement: AlternateLeaf type: SimpleLeaf margin: Entire; serrateLeaf shape: Oblong; oblanceolate; spatulateLeaf venation: PinnateLeaf type and persistence: Evergreen; fragrantLeaf blade length: 2 to 4 inchesLeaf color: GreenFall color: No fall color changeFall characteristic: Not showy Interesting Notes Waxmyrtle can be planted within 100 miles of the U.S. border, from Washington state to Southern New Jersey and south. It withstands endless pruning. Waxmyrtle fixes nitrogen in poor soils and transplants well from containers. Culture Light requirement: Tree grows in part shade/part sun; tree grows in the shade; tree grows in full sunSoil tolerances: Clay; loam; sand; acidic; alkaline; extended flooding; well-drainedDrought tolerance: ModerateAerosol salt tolerance: HighSoil salt tolerance: Moderate In Depth Southern Waxmyrtle is very tough and easily grown and can tolerate a variety of landscape settings from full sun to partial shade, wet swamplands or high, dry and alkaline areas. Growth is thin in total shade. It is also very salt-tolerant (soil and aerosol), making it suitable for seaside applications. It adapts well to parking lot and street tree planting, especially beneath power lines, but branches tend to droop toward the ground, possibly hindering the flow of vehicular traffic if not properly trained and pruned. Set them back from the road if used as a street tree so drooping branches will not hinder traffic. Removing excess shoot growth two times each year eliminates the tall, lanky branches and reduces the tendency for branches to droop. Some landscape managers hedge the crown into a multistemmed dome-shaped topiary. Plants spaced 10 feet apart, maintained in this manner, can create a nice canopy of shade for pedestrian traffic. Plants should be watered well until established and will then require no further care. The only drawback to the plant is its tendency to sprout from the roots. This can be a nuisance as they need to be removed several times each year to keep the tree looking sharp. However, in a naturalized garden this thick growth could be an advantage  since it would provide good nesting cover for wildlife. Only female trees produce fruit provided there is a male nearby, but seeds do not appear to become a weed problem in the landscape.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Final Exam Solution Essay - 1308 Words

BUFN 762 Fixed Income Securities Final Exam Solution 1. Briefly explain why many corporations prefer to issue callable long-term corporate bonds rather than noncallable long-term bonds. There are three main reasons why a corporation may be interested in calling a bond. * Interest rated have fallen, so they can refinance at a lower rate. * Credit quality has improved, so they can refinance at a lower rate. * Assets have been sold, so money is available to pay off debt. 2. Briefly explain the idea behind an Immunized Bond Portfolio. With an Immunized Portfolio, the duration and convexity of the assets is set to match the duration and convexity of the liabilities. The PV of the assets is set greater than the†¦show more content†¦Briefly explain why the Inverse Floating Rate Bond has a much longer effective duration than the underlying fixed cash flow. If rates increase, then both bonds lose value because they are discounted at a higher rate. But the inverse Floater will also lose value because the coupon payments decrease. The opposite holds when rates decrease. Therefore, the price impact is greater for Inverse Floaters than for Straight Bonds. Note that there is another way to think of this. A portfolio made up of an inverse floater and a floater must have the same duration as a fixed cash flow bond. Since the floater has a very short duration, the inverse floater must have a longer duration than the average. 9. Briefly explain why Salomon Brothers was able to make a profit while they were squeezing the Two-Year Treasury. Salomon Brothers operated in four markets. 1. They paid a little more than the fair price for the bonds in the Primary Market, but that allowed them to control the issue. In order to do this they illegally bought more than they were allowed to buy. 2. They paid a fair price in the When-Issued market. Doing so gave them even greater control over the issue. 3. They charged a higher than fair price in the Secondary Market. They sold the issue slowly in order to maintain the premium. 4. The loaned the security in the Repo Market at special rates. Others had toShow MoreRelatedInfa 610 Final Exam Solutions1377 Words   |  6 PagesINFA 610 Final Exam Solutions INFA 610 Final Exam Solutions Part 1: Short discussion, determine if each of the following questions is true or false and defend your position in a brief discussion if you think it is necessary. Write your answer, T or F, to each question in the following Answer Table. (10 questions at 1.5 points each, 15 points totally) 1. Deleting the browsing history and cookies in a computer systemRead MoreBusn-115 Final Exam Solution2279 Words   |  10 PagesBUSN-115 Final Exam Solution Question 1.1. (TCO 7) Some of the characteristics of lean systems include which of the following? They take twice the human effort. They have the same defects in the finished product. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Harassment And Discrimination Of Homosexuals Education Essay Free Essays

Homosexuals are capable to more harassment and favoritism than any other minority because straight persons frequently view homosexualism as a pick. Harmonizing to Charlie Bradley, a newsman for Associated Content, homophiles are frequently the mark of violent hatred offenses because of homophobia, dogmatism, spiritual persecution, fright and ignorance. Such ill will, if non controlled, can take to violence such as hate offenses and self-destruction. We will write a custom essay sample on Harassment And Discrimination Of Homosexuals Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Harmonizing to Janet Fontaine, one in three stripling self-destructions is caused by issues with sexual individuality. Students frequently have emotional, societal and psychological issues because they do non hold the same protection from torment as heterosexual pupils. Homosexuals are four to five times more likely to go down than straight persons when covering with issues with their gender. Adolescents spend two-thirds of their twenty-four hours at school, so jobs like torment at school will go important adequate to impact the remainder of their day-to-day life. My solution to this job is to supply protection and guidance of LGBT pupils in our secondary public school systems. There are several ways to carry through this, such as making a safe zone or a gay/straight confederation, one-on-one guidance with a professionally trained counsellor to help LGBT pupils with their peculiar state of affairss, recommending active protection from instructors, parents, and decision makers and ma king policies to protect these pupils from favoritism and torment. Exposing striplings to a support system will let them to construct healthy relationships, non merely in school but besides in mundane life. A better apprehension of who precisely is a â€Å" sexual minority † is the footing for understanding issues which LGBT pupils experience. â€Å" Sexual minority † in this essay is defined as any stripling with a sexual individuality that stands in resistance to rigorous heterosexualism. Anastasia Hansen describes LGBT pupils as anyone who identifies as sapphic, homosexual, bisexual, or transgender, engages in homosexual behaviour, or experiences same-sex attractive force ( Hansen 1 ) . Identifying as a homosexual, nevertheless, can take to persecution. Further, I find a better apprehension of what constitutes strong-arming to be good to acknowledging the difference between â€Å" badgering † and torment. Dan Olweus, who developed the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, defines strong-arming in his book Bullying: What We Know and What We Can Make every bit, â€Å" A individual is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over clip, to negative actions on the portion of one or more other individuals, and he or she has trouble supporting himself or herself. † Strong-arming leads to societal and physiological issues every bit good as force. On February 12, 2008, Brandon McInerney told another pupil to â€Å" state good-bye to Larry because you will ne’er see him once more. † Larry King, an openly homosexual pupil, was sitting in the E.O. Green School computing machine lab when McInerney shot him twice in the caput at blunt scope. Two yearss subsequently, King died in a local infirmary after being on life-support for several yearss. McInerney had harassed King in the yesteryear ; the school ne’er stepped in to set a halt to the torment. Cases like this are what make people think, â€Å" Why did n’t anyone protect him? How can we forestall this from go oning to our kids? † It is the occupation of instructors, decision makers, and staff to actively listen to how pupils talk to each other. A individual of authorization must do it really clear that torment is unacceptable and will be purely punished. They must protect our pupils. Teachers spend more clip with our kids than any other decision maker in schools and they must play an active function in protecting our LGBT pupils from strong-arming and torment. The hours each twenty-four hours that they spend with our pupils gives them equal clip to measure a kid ‘s province of head. They must pay attending to what our pupils are stating and making to each other. This would forestall tease and torment from intensifying to battles and assault. With the work burden a instructor experiences, this is frequently a really hard undertaking. Teachers merely must listen to a kid ‘s ailment of being bullied and take action ( Birkett, Espelage, Koeing 991 ) . If a instructor finds a pupil is holding a job with another pupil, a instructor needs to instantly inform the parents and decision makers. The following class would be disciplinary action. The instructor so can make up one’s mind whether the LGBT pupil should have extra aid through guidance. Students must accommodate to a batch of force per unit areas. LGBT pupils, in peculiar, trade with normal equal force per unit area every bit good as issues of being a sexual minority. Students of a sexual minority are pressured towards heterosexual relationships because that is what is perceived to be normal. Students may deny their gender, isolate themselves, and experience depression. Students with reding place positive ways to pass on feelings and are more disposed to develop healthy relationships ( Zubernis and Snyder 2 ) . It is a counsellor ‘s function to make a safe environment at school and protect all LGBT pupils from the frequently hostile homophobic political orientation that other pupils and instructors possess. A counsellor can recommend alteration in the current policies a school possess to explicitly protect LGBT pupils from torment, favoritism, and force. Teachers should work with parents in protecting our pupils. Parents should besides actively listen to their kids. If a kid complains of being bullied, they should reach the instructor and decision makers to discourse what should be done to relieve the job ( Olweus ) . Stairss should be taken to advocate both pupils involved and disciplinary action should be taken. At times, instructors and decision makers deny there is a job. This inactive attitude will let the torment to intensify to violent hate offenses and the â€Å" bully † would see that is behavior is acceptable and go on. If the school decision makers refuse to take action, I would propose the parent contact school board members to recommend alteration in school policies. Parents and instructors can protect an single pupil in their schoolroom, but they do non ever have the power to alter regulations and ordinances to protect all pupils. Administrators must recommend for regulations sing torment to protect all pupils, including LGBT pupils. Administrators should besides back up pupils in making nines, confederations and particular involvement groups to back up LGBT pupils. I have found in my research a deficiency of published composing about how a pupil or decision maker can physically amend or alter policies to protect LGBT pupils. In malice of deficiency of published authorship, The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program was developed by the authorities of Norway to make an intercession plan ; it was studied on much of the population. The plan began by developing parents on how to acknowledge when your kid is being bullied. They made a program of the school so there would be no blind-spots for strong-arming outside a instructor ‘s ticker. If a kid continued to hassle other kids, he or she was removed from the school, given behavior alteration preparation, and transferred to another school. After 20 months, at the terminal of the survey, the Norse authorities confirmed that strong-arming jobs were reduced by about 50 per centum. A instructor can besides help in the organisation of nines and confederations giving pupils a â€Å" safe infinite † to travel to. A Gay/Straight Alliance would give homosexual and heterosexual pupils a topographic point to develop positive relationships in a merriment, mellow environment. Gay/Straight Alliances give LGBT pupils a â€Å" safe infinite † to have equal mediation and guidance. These plans are unfastened to any pupil who identifies as an LGBT pupil or has an involvement in back uping other LGBT pupils and altering policies that do non back up and protect LGBT pupils from favoritism and torment ( Lee 20 ) . Harmonizing to a survey done by Eugene Wall of University of Denver, there are a figure of ways all pupils benefit from Gay/Straight Alliances. In his survey, he found the dropout rate, general torment, sexual torment, the feeling of an insecure environment, transporting of arms, and frequent absences are higher in schools without Gay/Straight Alliances than schools with them ( Wall 5-7 ) . Gay/Straight Alliances frequently have school patrons who have particular preparation to help LGBT pu pils develop positive attitudes toward their gender. These counsellors are normally trained in psychological science and possible gender surveies. These counsellors assist pupils with school and calling advice every bit good as issues with their gender. The Gay/Straight Alliance patron would besides be available to measure an LGBT pupil ‘s province of head. If a pupil becomes down or experiences anxiousness, the patron could find if he or she is in demand of extra support through guidance. Patrons will besides hold an active function as an militant in altering policies to protect LGBT pupils. Detailss of policies protecting pupils from favoritism are frequently wide. Most policies province that pupils can non be discriminated against based on their race, ethnicity, faith, etc. The â€Å" etc, † nevertheless, does non ever include LGBT pupils. Students in schools that do non possess policies to protect LGBT pupils are more likely to hold cases of torment and force. Chesir-Teran and Hughes besides claim that pupils of schools that have organisation and policies to protect them have fewer studies of torment and force and pupils are â€Å" more likely to comprehend their school environment as safe, tolerant, and respectful toward a sexual minority person † ( Chesir-Teran and Hughes 3 ) . This feeling of regard and safety is what encourages a pupil to go on to keep good classs and attend school on a regular basis. Students who are involved in a positive environment are less likely to develop depression, anxiousness, and psychological jobs. Gay/Straight Alliance and reding give LGBT pupils a safe topographic point when they find grownups they can swear. Schools that possess policies to protect pupils have fewer cases of favoritism, torment, and violent hatred offenses. Merely when we wholly change the manner decision makers control their pupils and schools will LGBT pupils experience wholly safe within their school walls. With aid from pupils, instructors, and decision makers, schools can go the safe, comfy larning environment it is meant to be. How to cite Harassment And Discrimination Of Homosexuals Education Essay, Essay examples